Thursday, April 21, 2011

Whistle While You Work

When I hear the word “whistle,” my mind immediately goes to seven dwarves who once sung “When hearts are high, time will fly, so whistle while you work.” The famous Disney song embodies an idea that is psychologically supported. Indeed, whistling while you work takes stress out of an activity and has the power to make a task seem less monotonous and more enjoyable. This is accomplished by distracting the mind from trying too hard and it helps prevent mental overload. However, be prepared, not everyone enjoys listening to the high-pitched noise. To watch the clip from the beloved Disney classic, Snow White, that inspired this blog, follow this link: Some people take this hobby beyond work, and have made it to the Whistling World Championships: Yet others seek a bigger stage and take their whistling skills to America’s Got Talent:

So if you are facing a daunting task, go on and whistle while you work!


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